OUR VISION “An equal world”
The work of ZEROGROUND will serve as a model of how to embed in communities across the nation the provision of equal access for all, regardless of physical and/or mental disability, to those services guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Our model will help communities understand and acknowledge the need to provide services that will improve the quality of life for individuals with neurodiversity brains and families with language and cultural barriers. Our model will help educate the broad base of community groups — including teenagers at risk and the LGBT community — on achieving educational services. For each sector of the community involved, we will establish strategies and outcomes focused on the review, modification, and expansion of the inventory of potential community and system of changes.
ZEROGROUND is a strong believer in the power and value of education because is the academic experience that helps us understand and seek equality by becoming strong, independent individuals. Our passion lies in working with communities where the children and families are at risk for issues like slavery/trafficking, addiction, mental illness, and the perpetuation of stigmas and victimization. An essential element of our program is supporting communities in taking the labels of race, color, gender, and age back to a neutral stage of mind, enhancing their potential to the fullest. We’ve designed different programs to help minorities learn how to access and use resources, services, and educational tools.
We will be a critical voice in how the level of education and the surrounding culture play an influential role in mental illness. Zeroground initiatives dig into the issue of inequity and its connection to poverty, unemployment, immigration, geography, and behavioral health. We believe there is a basic level of knowledge and skill that everyone needs concerning their own mental health. By teaching our communities about mental health, we hope they will be equipped to meet the challenges they, their friends, and their peers will encounter in life.
“When you are no longer identified with any labels, you enhance your
understanding of others, adopt new values, and learn to respect people for who they really are; it’s like opening the doors to reach a happy life”.